Home: Add Premium Listing.
You have chosen to add a Premium listing in the following category:

Shopping/Food and Drinks/Restaurants/Online Reservations/

If this is not the most appropriate category for your site, please try again.

Please note that the cost of a premium listing is $49.95. (one-time fee)

We accept payment thru 2checkout.com. They also accept payments from PayPal.

Non English sites will only be accepted in the Regional categories. An English translation must also be present on the site, and the submission form must be filled out in English.

Benefits of a Premium Listing:

- Your site will be reviewed within 3 business days!
- Your site will be listed above all free listings for 1 year. After 1 year your site is converted into a free listing and will still remain in our index!
- You can use up to 5 relevant words in the title if your company name/site name is non-relevant to the site. - You can submit a website or a web page within your website.
- The cost is only $49.95 (one-time fee) and unlike most directories, we will give you a refund if your site is not accepted!

Please type the letters listed below:

If you can't read the letters please refresh the page to get a new image. (non case sensitive)
Email Address:
- So that we can send you a confirmation email.
Site Title:
- Your company, organization or website name.
- You can use up to 5 relevant words in the site title if your company name/site name is non-relevant to the site.
- A title for a subpage should be in this format: "Company or Sitename - Name of page".
- Maximum 255 Characters
- A brief, objective description will make listing your site easier.
- Write in complete sentences and/or descriptive phrases using proper grammar, punctuation and correct spelling.
- Do not use ALLCAPS in your description.
- Avoid Capitalizing Every Word In A Sentence.
- Don't repeat the title of your site in the description.
- Avoid using promotional language and strings of key words and search terms. Words and phrases like "the coolest" and "the best site" will lead to rejection.
- Separate each keyword with a comma and space.
- Do not submit more than 5 keywords. Max. 50 characters.
- Only relevant keywords are allowed.
- Submit your website: http://www.yourdomain.com
- Or a web page: http://www.yourdomain.com/somepage.htm
Modify Password:
- So you can modify your listing later.
Confirm Modify Password:
Suggest a New Category: (optional)
Your Full Name:

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We do not accept sites that include any kind of adult/pornographic, warez, illegal or inappropriate content. We do not accept sites that consists primarily of affiliate links, nor do we accept mirror sites, doorway pages, under construction pages, or URLs that re-directs to another site. Please read and make sure that you have followed our Submission Guidelines before submitting your site.

We reserve the right to edit title, description and keywords of all websites submitted to us. We also reserve the right to move your site to another category.

You will be directed to a secure payment form after submitting this form.

2CheckOut.com Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for
goods and services provided by Spinfish Media.